.: Runic :. Love Bunny

The .: Runic :. Love Bunny are my newest release for the SoKawaiiSundays. Its out on the 10th of Feburary in the Mainstore.

They come in 5 different versions. Either as static decor (sitting and standing option) or as animated animesh companion that sits on your shoulder! See the video below for all animesh animations.

The Fatpack is 60% off and includes exclusively the Love Cupid Bunny as Animesh companion and static decor. 

  • 100% Original Mesh
  • Copy/Modify/No Transfer / 1 LI
  • static decor (sitting and standing) or animesh companion that sits on your shoulder!
  • 5 different bunny versions (Fatpack includes exclusively the Love Cupid Bunny as Animesh companion and static decor. )

Fatpack exclusiv:

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